Saturday, July 25, 2009

How to change hair style?

Ok, so first, I'm asian. Like most asians, we have kind of a spiky puffy hair style by default.

I really want to change my hair so it looks like the shaggy hair look.

I've grown out my hair a couple times already (to the bottom of my neck), and it looks too "puffed" up. Like it's inflated or something.

Is there any way to make it flatter?


How to change hair style?

You could have it chemically straightened at a hair salon, and it might be pricey (but not by much, maybe $80 depending on where you go). Or, you can just buy a flat iron. For some hair types (like mine for example; thick, wavy %26amp; doesn't work at all!) they don't work well, but you just have to find a hair gel, mouse, or wax to make it work.

You can go to Sephora online and look :

But I personally would reccommend having a look here :

They have some of the best flat irons and chi flat irons around. Again with the pricey-ness, but it's worth the results.

How to change hair style?

You can straighten it or blowdry it.

How to change hair style?

Well you could try to straighten it. Chi Flat Irons are the best, but they're a little pricey at $100-$150.

or you could do the whole Japanese straightening thing. But that's pricey too.

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