Saturday, July 25, 2009

Which hair style do yuu think will suit me? ((picz inside))?

heres a picc of me

i want hair like this but i dno if it will suit me plz be honest

if u dont think it will suit me can u plz post picz of some hair styles that u think will suit me


Which hair style do yuu think will suit me? ((picz inside))?

that is cute, but you need more height on top and length. Her hair is much poofier than yours. It will require more styling and maintenance. It will look really good on you, though.

Which hair style do yuu think will suit me? ((picz inside))?

yes, it is cute. May be a little more layers :O

Which hair style do yuu think will suit me? ((picz inside))?

the selena gomez one or the first one

Which hair style do yuu think will suit me? ((picz inside))?

It would look nice.

Which hair style do yuu think will suit me? ((picz inside))?

Yes, it would look really cute. =] Maybe some more layers and/or highlights?

Which hair style do yuu think will suit me? ((picz inside))?

Yeah, i think it would look nice. You might want to add an extra layer or two...make sure they're not too short.

Very cute style

Which hair style do yuu think will suit me? ((picz inside))?

I think it would look grate..

Which hair style do yuu think will suit me? ((picz inside))?

That hair style would look nice on you.

Of course it would look a little different.

But that's just because you are a different person.

Go for it!

(you should post a pic afterwards)

Which hair style do yuu think will suit me? ((picz inside))?

I think it's really cute! but u'll need to grown out ur hair a little bit more, but yes! i think it would look very good on, you!

(by the way, ur hair is already awesome! I wish mine looked that good!)

Which hair style do yuu think will suit me? ((picz inside))?

Yeah, it will...but I think you should add more layers and put some carmel, light brown, or blonde high lites in there.

Or you could do this's Vanessa Hudgens and this hair style would be better:

Which hair style do yuu think will suit me? ((picz inside))?

I think it's a cute hairstyle and it would definetely look cute on you. From looking at your pictures I'd say you have a long face, so the best hairstyle for your shape is layers. Keep your hair length and just add some short/medium layers to your hair. If your hair is naturally straight right after you shower add some root lift spray (a good one is treseme and cheap!) to your roots in the crown of your head, now blow dry your hair with your head upside down. Now you can wear some jumbo just large hot rollers once your hair is dry and you'll have so much volume you won't believe it. The one thing that I don't think is going to work for you are the side bangs, while they would look hot, your forehead is like mine, it's pretty short. If you see the pic you sent of the hairstyle you want, her forehead is quite big, she can wear bangs like that, you can try to side part it but it's pretty hard since you have a small forehead. It will always be in your face. You can still side part and throw it to the side. Try to avoid middle part because it will make your face look longer. Adding volume to the sides is your best bet. If you don't want to bother with the hot rollers, you can still do the root spray and blow drying and instead just use a ceramic hair straightener and just straighten your hair without touching the roots and you'll have glossy healthy looking hair with volume. Hope that helps! :)

Which hair style do yuu think will suit me? ((picz inside))?

I think adding some volume to hair would be great with your hair. You could get thick layers and side swept bangs. You could add a lot of volume by sleeping in large velcro rollers.

There are lots of pictures of sexy hairstyles on

There is also a free virtual makeover program you could try a hairstyle with.

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